

Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA) is Singapore’s largest Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) organization, and was established in 1946 with the objectives to do research in traditional Chinese medicine, to raise the standard of medical treatment and to develop free Chinese medical services; to bring about unity among Singapore Chinese Physicians, to protect their general interests, and to make contributions to the healthcare industry of Singapore; to establish contact with Chinese physicians in other parts of the world, and to collectively promote Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Currently SCPA has 1600 members and SCPA’s subsidiaries include Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution, Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 
Chung Hwa Medical & Drugs Research Institute and Chung Hwa Acupuncture Research Institution, focusing on medical services, TCM education and TCM research respectively, and at the same time, SCPA also has the largest TCM library in South East Asia, with more than 90,000 volumes of TCM works. Located at the 
Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution Toa Payoh Headquarter, the Herb Garden cultivates a variety of local common herbs, serving as reference for 
Traditional Chinese Medicine training and research. 




由新加坡中医师公会、马来西亚华人医药总会、马来西亚中医总会、泰国中医师总会、印尼中医协会、菲律宾中医师公会和菲律宾中医暨针灸学会主办,新加坡中医学院承办的“第十三届亚细安中医药学术大会”于2023年12 月10日在新加坡莱佛士城会议中心举行。本届学术大会的 主题是“中医药与健康生活,造福广大民众”。新加坡卫生部长王乙康先生受邀为学术大会主宾。当天出席开幕礼的嘉宾有新加坡中医管理委员会主席张俰宾博士、注册官林詩暉教授、中华医院董事主席刘少夫医师、新加坡中医学院董事主席吴佳盛博士、亚细安学术大会主办国家中医学术团体负责人,也有来自海内外专家学者、各个中医机构组织的委员代表、医师等,共超过600人参加本届学术大会。


中国国家中医药管理局代表团一行六人,在国家中医药管理局国际合作司司长吴振斗 的率领下,于 2023年10月17 日访问中医师公会及属下机构。公会会长赵英杰、中华医院董事会主席刘少夫、中医学院董事会主席吴佳盛,连同公会长级领导一起欢迎代表团的莅临。双方也就中医教育,包括本科课程和研究生的临床安排进行深入的交流。随后,代表团一行人也参观了中华医院和中医学院。

